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Inside Elections Moves NY-19 Race to a Toss-Up
ITHACA, N.Y.—Today, Inside Elections, the independent election forecaster, announced that NY-19 has moved from “Tilt Republican” to a “Toss Up” following Democrat Josh Riley’s record-breaking fundraising and recent polling showing Riley three points ahead. Cook Political Report, National Journal, and FiveThirtyEight also list NY-19 as one of the most competitive House races in the country.
Josh Riley’s Campaign Manager, Daniel Fleiss, released the following statement:
“Today Inside Elections confirmed what voters tell our campaign daily: Upstate New Yorkers are tired of corrupt career politicians like Marc Molinaro ripping away their rights while cashing checks from the same corporations making life harder and more unaffordable for working families. NY-19 is ready for change, and Josh Riley is ready to deliver.”