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Love is love. At a time when constitutional freedoms are threatened, Josh knows we cannot take for granted the progress we have made in the civil rights movement. That is why Josh supports policies that:

  • Guarantee marriage equality, including the Respect for Marriage Act;
  • Prohibit discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community, including through the Equality Act; and
  • Ban dangerous conversion therapies.


Josh believes that everyone deserves an opportunity to live a fulfilling life and reach their full potential, regardless of their abilities. Josh supports proposals that:

  • Provide community-based support for people with disabilities;
  • Invest in disaster preparedness focused on the elderly and people with disabilities;
  • Increase employment opportunities, including through support for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy; and
  • Address provider shortages in the home-based and community-based care economy.


The Middle Class needs a tax cut; billionaires and big corporations don’t. Josh believes it is unacceptable that hedge fund managers pay lower tax rates than janitors, and he believes the tax code should be reformed to be simpler, fairer, and less of a burden for working families. Josh supports policies that:

  • Cut taxes for the Middle Class so working families keep more of their own money;
  • Require the wealthy and big corporations to pay their fair share so we can reduce the deficit and invest in necessary public services;
  • Close the carried interest loophole, which allows Wall Street to pay lower tax rates than Main Street;
  • Create a wealth surtax on incomes over $5 million and trusts/estates valued at more than $25 million; and
  • Expand and strengthen the Earned Income Tax Credit to reward work, not wealth, and lift kids from poverty.


Anti-abortion extremists like Marc Molinaro want to take away women’s most personal healthcare decisions and put them in the hands of politicians – even here in New York.

Josh’s view is simple: women’s healthcare decisions are women’s healthcare decisions, and politicians should stay the hell out of them. Josh championed an effort in federal court to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, which would make abortion access a constitutional right, and he’ll finish the job in Congress. Josh:

  • Will sponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act on day one to restore Roe v. Wade into federal law;
  • Will always stand up to extremists trying to take away reproductive rights, including those attempting to restrict access to birth control, IVF, or mifepristone; and
  • Supports a Constitutional amendment to put reproductive rights in the constitution, so not even a far-right Supreme Court can take them away again.


Josh knows that strong unions built a strong Middle Class. Josh supports organized labor, and he believes we should make it easier to join a union and harder to bust one. Among other things, Josh supports:

  • The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act;
  • Project Labor Agreements, ensuring that local projects are built by local workers at fair wages; and
  • Increased enforcement of labor laws.

Josh has an extensive record fighting for workers. He served as a Policy Analyst at the U.S. Department of Labor, focusing on unemployment and job training programs. As an attorney in private practice, he represented workers whose rights were violated under the Fair Labor Standards Act. As a Fellow on the U.S. Senate Labor & Pensions Committee, he fought for pro-labor legislation.


Josh believes we can keep vulnerable populations safe from gun violence while honoring law-abiding gun owners’ Second Amendment rights. Josh served as counsel on the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and he worked on common-sense legislation to keep communities safe. Among other things, Josh supports:

  • Stronger background checks to keep weapons out of the hands of folks who are a danger to themselves or others;
  • Keeping weapons of war out of schools and off the streets through appropriately tailored and constitutionally permissible legislation; and
  • Protecting survivors of domestic violence by prohibiting domestic abusers from accessing weapons.


Josh is a proud product of Upstate New York’s public schools, and he wants every child to have the great education and opportunities he had. Josh supports policies that:

  • Fully fund public education, supporting our students, teachers, and communities;
  • Support programs in music and the arts so kids can explore their passions and creativity;
  • Invest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) curricula so America’s students are prepared to compete in the global economy;
  • Give kids the support they need to learn, including healthy meals, school-based healthcare, and counseling; and
  • Promote CTE (career and technical education) diplomas–because a four-year degree should not be the price of admission to the Middle Class.


Josh believes that healthcare should be a civil right in America, not something that bankrupts so many American families. Josh believes that our healthcare system should put patients over profits. He has litigated in federal courts to improve children’s access to healthcare services, and he worked as counsel in the U.S. Senate to advance legislation to improve access to addiction treatment and mental health care. He supports policies that:

  • Lower the cost of prescription drugs, including by ending pay-for-delay deals that jack up prices by reducing competition;
  • Create a public option so that anyone who wants it can use it and to increase competition and lower costs for everyone;
  • Prohibit corporate PACS controlled by insurance and drug companies from buying influence with politicians;
  • Improve access to healthcare in rural communities, including through improvements to broadband access to fully realize the potential of telehealth and by providing more healthcare services in schools;
  • Address provider shortages that leave patients underserved and providers overworked;
  • Create parity between mental and physical healthcare;
  • Strengthen Medicare to cover hearing, dental, and vision services;
  • Increase the Medical Loss Ratio so more of your premiums go to your care, not insurance companies’ profits;
  • Protect women’s right to make their own healthcare decisions; and
  • Invest in our public health system so we can be prepared for future pandemics.


Growing up in Endicott, Josh saw firsthand how greedy corporations and corrupt politicians cut backroom deals that left working people behind. Josh isn’t a career politician, and he’s running to change how things work in Washington. That’s why he:

  • Will never take a penny of corporate PAC money – because his vote will never be for sale;
  • Supports term limits; and
  • Will work to overturn Citizens United and get dark money out of politics for good.


Technological progress is accelerating in everything from artificial intelligence to blockchain and digital currencies. Josh believes we need to establish clear and balanced policies that foster innovation, empower consumers, and promote national security, and he believes that we must be at the forefront in the global competition around these technologies. Josh will promote growth and innovation while ensuring these technologies are used ethically and beneficially by:

  • Supporting the development of comprehensive regulations that provide clarity and security for emerging technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, and machine learning;
  • Encouraging public-private partnerships to drive innovation, ensuring the U.S. remains a global leader;
  • Implementing measures to deter fraud and promote transparency and trust; and
  • Ensuring that the development and implementation of these technologies align with national security interests, preventing adversaries from exploiting them for malicious purposes.


We owe no greater debt than to those who have served our country in uniform. Josh’s grandpa served in the U.S. Army, and Josh has done work over the course of his career to support veterans, including advocacy in federal court on behalf of veterans service organizations trying to cut through bureaucratic red tape and work in the U.S. Senate to advance legislation providing mental health services for veterans in crisis. Josh believes that supporting our veterans is the most solemn responsibility of lawmakers. He supports policies that:

  • Increase support for veterans, servicemembers, and their families;
  • Cut red tape the prevents veterans from getting the benefits they’ve earned; and
  • Preserve and expand access to VA facilities across Upstate New York.


Josh comes from a law enforcement family, so he knows first-hand the sacrifices our law enforcement and first responders make to keep our communities safe. Josh is adamantly opposed to proposals to “defund the police,” and he believes that public safety requires more resources, not fewer. Josh also believes that New York’s cashless bail policy needs to be changed to give judges more discretion and clearer criteria to apply to keep repeat and violent offenders off the streets.

As counsel in the U.S. Senate, Josh worked to bring Democrats and Republicans together to advance legislation that was supported by the National Sheriffs Association and National Association of Police Organizations, including reauthorization of the Justice & Mental Health Collaboration Program and updates to the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program. Josh supports proposals that:

  • Support law enforcement through Justice Department grant programs like Byrne JAG and COPS that strengthen local police and get more officers on the beat;
  • Provide collective bargaining rights for law enforcement and first responders;
  • Protect and enhance retirement benefits, including by changing the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), which reduce law enforcement’s retirement benefits; and
  • Increase overtime pay, including by amending Section 7(k) of the Fair Labor Standards Act to ensure that law enforcement and first responders are eligible for the overtime pay they deserve.


Josh believes that every child deserves an opportunity to meet his or her full potential, and no child should live in poverty. He wants every child in Upstate New York to have the same opportunities he had and a fair shot at upward mobility. Yet child poverty rates remain at unacceptably high levels across Upstate New York. Josh supports proposals that:

  • Invest in early childhood education, including full federal-funding of universal pre-K for ages 3 and 4;
  • Provide healthcare services in our schools so kids can get the care they need where they are;
  • Provide healthy, locally-sourced school meals–because kids can’t learn on an empty belly;
  • Improve access to comprehensive maternity care because healthy moms mean healthy kids; and
  • Create good jobs that provide a clear path to the Middle Class–because the best anti-poverty policy for kids is a strong pro-jobs policy for parents.


Big corporations are enjoying record profits even while working families are struggling to make ends meet. That’s not fair. As an attorney, Josh represented consumers, workers, and small businesses who were being ripped off by big corporations. In Congress, Josh will work to lower costs, including by supporting policies that:

  • Crack down on price gouging so corporations can’t profit on artificially increased prices;
  • End cartels in the prescription drug industry by banning anti-competitive pay-for-delay deals;
  • Cap the cost of critical drugs and allow Medicare greater authority to negotiate drug prices;
  • Oppose rate hikes by utility monopolies; and
  • Break up big monopolies.


Seniors have earned the right to retire with dignity. Josh will never cut a penny from Social Security or Medicare. He believes that retirement programs should be strengthened, not weakened, and he supports proposals that:

  • Expand Medicare to cover hearing, dental, and vision services.
  • Lower the cost of prescription drugs, including by ending pay-for-delay deals that jack up prices by reducing competition;
  • Require the wealthy to pay their fair share into these programs;
  • Eliminate unfair cuts to retirement savings, including the Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision; and
  • Strengthen the care economy so seniors can access the long-term care they need and their families deserve.


Josh believes we are facing existential threats to our environment, which require bold action. As a dad, Josh is especially concerned about the state of the planet we’re leaving to future generations. Josh supports policies that:

  • Hold polluters accountable for harm they cause to the environment and stop them from causing that harm in the first place;
  • Ensure clean drinking water in every community, including through updates to the Safe Drinking Water Act;
  • Preserve our natural treasures, including the Catskills, Hudson River, Delaware River Basin, and the Finger Lakes;
  • Create good jobs building the American-made products we need to fight climate change;
  • Establish energy independence, including by ending our reliance on fossil fuel over the long term; and.
  • Restore the Environmental Protection Administration’s ability to fight climate change.


Josh believes that America is strongest and most secure when we demonstrate strength while pursuing peace. Josh believes that keeping our homeland safe is among the federal government’s most important functions. He believes we must lead by example in the world, defending American values and interests by engaging strategically.

Josh supports policies that:

  • Confront threats posed by adversaries like Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea;
  • Combat terrorism and the states that sponsor it;
  • Secure America’s borders; and
  • Use defense funds wisely and efficiently, always promoting American job creation first.


The Southern Border is an absolute disaster, and Joe Biden, Marc Molinaro, and Washington politicians from both parties have failed us by refusing to secure it. It’s time for the career politicians who got us into this mess to stop pointing fingers at each other and do their damn jobs–or get out of the way for someone who will.

Josh knows that our immigration system is completely broken, and he will bring Democrats and Republicans together to fix it in a way that upholds both the law and our values. As an attorney, Josh advocated in the U.S. Supreme Court against immigration policies that discriminate based on religion and in favor of policies that support law enforcement, crack down on drug trafficking, and fight crime. As counsel in the U.S. Senate, Josh helped draft a bipartisan and comprehensive immigration reform proposal that would have secured the border once-and-for-all by adding thousands of border patrol agents.

Josh’s wife is the daughter of immigrants from India and Ecuador who came to America legally to pursue the American Dream, and Josh will always support legal immigration that has contributed so much to our country and community.

Josh supports policies that:

  • Hire new border agents and ensure law enforcement has the resources they need to secure the border and stop and deter illegal immigration;
  • Hire more immigration judges so asylum claims are processed quickly, fairly, and accurately;
  • Halt the flow of fentanyl into the US by making long-overdue technological improvements at our ports of entry and expanding the number of fentanyl detection machines;
  • Update visa programs to ensure our farmers and trades unions have access to labor; and
  • Reflect America’s values, including our tradition as a nation of immigrants and our identity as a nation of laws.


To do the hard work of solving common challenges with a shared purpose, we first must strengthen our democracy and restore faith in it–and in each other. Josh supports proposals that:

  • Protect access to the ballot, particularly for servicemembers and communities whose rights to vote historically have been suppressed;
  • End partisan gerrymandering–because voters should choose their political leaders, not the other way around; and
  • Reform our corrupt campaign finance system.


Josh knows that our agricultural industry is vital to both Upstate New York and the country. Among other things, Josh supports policies that:

  • Break up Big Ag monopolies that are crushing small family farms and squeezing consumers and prohibit them from using corporate PACs to buy influence with politicians;
  • Stop foreign adversaries like China from buying up American farmland–because food security is national security and our heartland should not for sale to those who wish us harm;
  • Improve access to markets for Upstate New York’s farmers, including through local and regional food hubs, renegotiating bad trade deals, and putting more local foods in local schools;
  • Put Upstate New York’s farmers on a level playing field by increasing the federal minimum wage to match New York’s;
  • Invest in innovation, research, and development, including through Cornell’s cooperative extension;
  • Address the suicide and mental health crisis facing small farms today, including through federal support for programs like New York FarmNet;
  • Reward farmers who protect the environment, including by reauthorizing the Farm Bill to increase reimbursement rates for cover crops and other sustainability practices; and
  • Fix our broken immigration system to ensure small farms have access to the labor they need.


Throughout history, when the world has faced big challenges, Upstate New Yorkers have risen to meet them by making the things the world needs to meet the moment. Josh believes we can revitalize our economy and rebuild the middle class by putting Upstate New York back on the forefront of manufacturing to build batteries, semiconductors, solar panels, and other products the world needs now. Josh supports policies that:

  • Invest in American manufacturing, and create thousands of good-paying union jobs right here in Upstate New York making the things the world needs;
  • Provide job training programs to equip workers with the skills they need to compete in the global economy and fill advanced manufacturing jobs;
  • Confront China’s unfair practices that undermine American manufacturing;
  • End bad trade deals that ship American jobs overseas by forcing American workers to compete with foreign labor on unfair terms; and
  • Foster innovation in emerging industries like digital currencies, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology.


Civil rights enforcement is critically important as communities of color continue to face unique barriers to the American Dream. As counsel in the U.S. Senate, Josh worked on legislation to advance racial justice, including bills to eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenses (thereby giving judges more discretion in sentencing decisions), and he worked on legislation to help inmates build productive lives after serving their sentences. Josh supports policies that:

  • Combat discrimination by strengthening and enforcing our civil rights and equal opportunity laws;
  • Reduce recidivism by helping people find good jobs and housing after paying their debts and by sealing records for certain non-violent offenses; and
  • Protect voting rights, particularly against efforts at disenfranchisement targeted at communities of color.